Thursday, March 24, 2011

LOTS of New Lambs!!!!

Here are pictures of the MANY new lambs i have had born since i last posted, labels of parents and date of birth are under the photos, there are 3 ewes left to lamb i will post pictures of the babies as soon as they come, most of these lambs are/will be for sale!

Twin Rams Lambs (Twin Springs MaybellineXMinwawe Bahama 3/19/11)

Twin Ram Lambs sadly lost the katmoget a few days later, (laurieslamb chinaXspring hills nugget 3/19/11)

One of triplet moorit ewes (wild geese hollyXminwawe bahama 3/21/11)

the other two moorit ewes of the triplets (wild geese hollyXminwawe bahama 3/21/11)

Solid Moorit Twins, Ewe (left) Ram (right) (whispring pines morning glory/Xminwawe bahama 3/20/11)

Single black yuglet sokket ram lamb (twin springs chanelXminwawe bahama 3/21/11)

Triplet black ram lambs (sheltring pines pyrenees mornXminwawebahama 3/22/11)

Ram lamb, had a stillborn sister (twin springs juniperXminwawe bahama 3/21/11)


  1. I really think you should try giving BoSe to the lambs. It might be all they need. Any other possibilities for the losses? Nutridrench is a good thing too.

  2. Sorry to hear about your lost lamb, any ideas what the cause was? You sure had a ram lamb heavy year. I haven't had any lambs here yet but they'll be here in their own time as always :) I hope the last 3 ewes lamb successfully for you and bring you healthy babies.
